The existing schemes are as shown below
(Please see the Rule 40 to 44B of Chapter II, Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules)
1. Copy of the resolution passed by the concerned Bar Association requesting the Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Committee for matching grant.
2. Original Bills of the Books purchased by the concerned Bar Association.
3. List of books intended to be purchased by the Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Committee for Bar Association.
4. Maximum amount worth Rs. 10,000/-
5. A Bar Association which has received the amount once, will not ordinarily be eligible for the grant again, till after the lapse of 3 years.
6. Application in prescribed Form
Scheme for grants to Bar Associations for Development of Libraries as approved by the Bar Council of India vide Resolution No.82/1990
1. These Rules shall be known as “Scheme for grants to Bar Association for development of Libraries”.
2.These rules shall come into force on such date as the Council may decide, after approval by the Bar Council of India.
3. Definitions:-
a) ‘Bar Association’ means an Association of Advocates recognized and registered by the Bar Council under section 13 of the Kerala Advocates Welfare Fund Act,1980
b) ‘Bar Council of India’ means the Bar Council constituted under Section 4 of the Advocates Act.
c) ‘Committee’ means the Advocates’ Welfare Committee for the State of Kerala constituted under R.44(A2)(i) of the Bar Council of India Rules Part VI, Chapter II, Section IV-A.
d) ‘Fund’ means the fund constituted under the Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Rules provided under Part IV, Chapter II, Section IV-A or the Bar Council of India Rules for the Scheme of Library development.
e) ‘Form’ means the forms prescribed by this scheme
f) ‘Secretary’ means the Secretary of the Bar Council of Kerala
4. Application for matching grant to the Bar Association for development of libraries shall be in the prescribed form.
5. Any Bar Association recognized and registered by the Bar Council under section 13 of the Kerala Advocates Welfare Fund Act,1980 will be entitled to apply for the grant to the Advocates’ Welfare Committee in the prescribed form and will make necessary declarations as prescribed therein and supply such information about the functioning of the concerned library as may be required by the Committee.
6. The Bar Association, while making an application for grant to the Advocates Welfare Committee append a resolution of the Association deciding to seek the grant, an approval list of books in duplicate and also their resolution to contribute 50% of the proposed expenditure for purchase of books in their library.
7. The maximum amount of the grant shall be Rs.10,000/-
8. A Bar Association, which has received the amount once, will not ordinarily be eligible for the grant again, till after the lapse of three years.
9. The Advocates Welfare Committee may consider such applications and sanction the appropriate grant to such applicant Bar Association for development of the library having due regard to the availability of the amount in the fund, the condition of the library and the financial position of the applicant Bar Association.
10. The grant shall be paid by way of reimbursement on proof of purchase of books and such terms and conditions a the committee may decide from time to time.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED (In the case of death)
1. Application in prescribed form.
2. Legal heirship certificate
3. Death certificate
Authorization letter in stamp paper Rs. 50/- duly authorize the applicant to receive the amount from the Fund on behalf of other legal heirs.
Application fee of Rs. 100/- shall be paid by Postal Order/D.D. in favour of the Secretary, Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Committee payable at Ernakulam.
Maximum amount Rs. 25,000/-
In the case of death, financial assistance will be granted to the members of the family of the deceased who was a member of the Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund, even if there was some dues. In such cases, the dues upto the date of death shall be deducted from the amount payable.
1. These rules shall be known as Bar Council of India- Advocates Welfare Fund Rules for grant of financial assistance to the Lawyers/family of deceased lawyers.
2. Definitions: In these rules unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) “Bar Council” means Bar Council of India
(b) “State Bar Council” means Bar Council of Kerala
(c) “Committee” means Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Committee for the State of Kerala
(d) “Secretary” means Secretary of the Committee
(e) “Family” includes Wife or Husband, Children, Aged parents’ dependent on the deceased lawyer
(f) “Fund” means fund constituted under Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Rules.
3. The family of a lawyer who dies in harness will be entitled to get the sum of Rs.25,000/- from the fund.
4. The amount will be paid to a member of the family of the deceased lawyer in the following order.
iii.Aged parents/dependent on the deceased
5. Application for financial assistance under these rules shall be submitted in the prescribed form, which will be available on payment of Rs.100/-, to the Secretary together with relevant documents required for establishing the claim.
6. Only those advocates who are on the rolls of the State Bar Council and are members of Bar Council of India Welfare Fund on the date of application with out any dues to the fund will be eligible to get financial assistance.
7. The grant of financial aid is subject to availability of amount in the fund and is within the discretion of the committee. No one has a right to enforce any claim under these rules. The decision of the committee shall be final.
8. These rules shall be in force w.e.f 1st April,2002.
1. Application in prescribed form
2. Postal order for Rs. 100/- or D.D. in favour of Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Committee payable at Ernakulam.
3. Copy of the removal letter from the Bar Council of Kerala.
Maximum amount Rs. 25,000/-
The financial assistance will be paid only to those Advocates whose membership of the Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Committee is live without any dues on the date of application for such financial assistance.
1. These rules shall be known as Bar Council of India- Advocates Welfare Fund Rules for grant of financial assistance to the Lawyers/family of deceased lawyers.
2. Definitions: In these rules unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) “Bar Council” means Bar Council of India
(b) “State Bar Council” means Bar Council of Kerala
(c) “Committee” means Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Committee for the State of Kerala
(d) “Secretary” means Secretary of the Committee
(e) “Family” includes Wife or Husband, Children, Aged parents’ dependent on the deceased lawyer
(f) “Fund” means fund constituted under Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Rules.
3. A lawyer on cessation of practice after 33 years will be entitled to receive a sum of Rs.25,000/- from the fund.
4. Application for financial assistance under these rules shall be submitted in the prescribed form, which will be available on payment of Rs.100/-, to the Secretary together with relevant documents required for establishing the claim.
5. Only those advocates who are on the rolls of the State Bar Council and are members of Bar Council of India Welfare Fund on the date of application with out any dues to the fund will be eligible to get financial assistance.
6. The grant of financial aid is subject to availability of amount in the fund and is within the discretion of the committee. No one has a right to enforce any claim under these rules. The decision of the committee shall be final.
7. These rules shall be in force w.e.f 1st April,2002.
1. Application in prescribed form
2. Income Certificate from Village Officer
3. Document to prove age
4. List of books to be purchased by the BCIAWC.
Application fee Rs. 100/- in favour of Secetary, Bar Council of India Advocates’ Welfare Fund payable at Ernakulam.
1. Age not more than 32 years
2. Bar Practice less than 5 years
3. Annual income below 1 lakh
4. Applicant shall be a member of the Kerala Advocates Welfare Fund.
Interest free loan shall be repaid by the applicant in six equal half yearly
instalments after two years of the supply of library books. The first instalment has to be paid before the expiry of 30 months from the date of supply. Interest at the rate of 6% will be levied if default is made.
Maximum amount of loan Rs. 5000/-
Scheme for supplying law books to Junior Advocates
A scheme for supplying law books to junior Advocates for development of library (framed under Rule 41(3), Chapter II, Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules) approved by Bar Council of India Resolution No.136/87 dated 28th & 29th November,1987 and as modified by the Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Committee for the State of Kerala at its meeting dated 17.03.2002
1. This scheme shall be known as “Scheme for supplying law books to Junior Advocates for development of libraries”. It shall come into force on such date as the Council may decide, after approval by the Bar Council of India
2. Definitions;
(a)”Junior Advocate” means, an Advocate below the age of 32 years and is practicing for not more than 5 years from the date of his enrolment under the Advocates Act,1961, but shall not include an Advocate who has enrolled or resumed practice after retirement from any service.
(b) “Committee” means, the Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Committee for the State of Kerala constituted under Rule 44(a)(2) of Chapter II, Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules.
(c) “Fund” means, Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund for the State of Kerala.
(d) “Form” means, the forms prescribed by these scheme
(e) “Secretary” means, the Secretary of the Bar Council of Kerala
3. Application for supply of law books to junior advocates for development of libraries shall be submitted in the prescribed form together with a postal order for Rs.100/-
4. The Committee may, if found necessary, invite the applicant, for an interview at the office of the Bar Council of Kerala
5. For the purpose of supplying law books, the Committee may consider;
(a) The financial condition of the applicant, whether the applicant is a member of the recognized Bar Association, the report of the Executive Committee of the Bar Association and the report of the senior Advocates, if any, with whom he practice during the period
(b) Such other matters as the Committee deem fit.
6. Law books shall not ordinarily be supplied unless the applicant is a member admitted to the Kerala Advocates Welfare Fund constituted under the Kerala Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1980 and is also a live member of the Bar Council of India Welfare Fund framed under Rule 40 of the Bar Council of India Rules.
7. The maximum cost of law books to be supplied shall not exceed Rs.5,000/- (Five thousand only) The applicant shall furnish a list of books required by him along with his application. The Committee will select the books to be supplied from the list furnished by the applicant.
8. The applicant shall give such security and execute such bond as directed by the Committee
9. The cost of books supplied will have to be paid by the applicant without interest after two years of the supply in six equal half yearly installments . The first installment has to be paid before the expiry of 30 moths from the date of supply. Interest at the rate of 6% will be levied if default is made.
10. The gross annual family income of the applicant shall not exceed Rs.1 lakh and the application shall be accompanied with income certificate issued by the revenue authorities.
11. The supply of law books will be subject to availability of funds and the decision of the Committee shall be final and the law books shall be supplied only after the committee is satisfied with the genuineness of the claim.
12. The application shall be duly submitted with recommendations of the concerned Bar Association.
13. Violation of the terms and conditions of the scheme shall entail forfeiture of future benefits from the Committee.
1. Application in prescribed form
2. Application fee of Rs. 100/- by postal order or D.D. in favour of the Secretary, Bar Council of India Advocates Welfare Fund Committee payable at Ernakulam.
3. Income certificate from Revenue authorities.
1. Research work shall be completed within six months from the date of approval.
2. Maximum grant Rs. 5000/-
1. A practicing lawyer with not more than ten years of practice shall be eligible to apply for financial assistance of a sum of Rupees not exceeding than Rs.5,000/- for the purpose of doing research work in law.
2. The grant of financial assistance will be subject to the following conditions:
(1) A maximum number of 10 fellowships for research will be granted during a calendar year
(2) The recipients will be selected by the Committee on the basis of merit and financial background, preference being given to those who are financially backward.
(3) The applicant shall furnish the details of the proposed research work before the committee for approval
3. Applicant shall suggest the topic and submit a synopsis of the work for approval by the Committee
4. The research work shall be completed within 6 months from the date of approval
5. The work diary shall be produced before the Committee for perusal before each installment of payment is made
6. Payment of Rs.5,000/-(Five thousand only) will be made in three installments, the final payment being made on completion of the work
7. The copy right of research work will be with the Committee.
8.Payment will be subject to the availability of fund
9. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
1. Application with details of practice
2. Application with Medical Bills, Medical Certificate, Treatment documents in case of Rule 44(B) 4(c)
3. Application with relevant documents in case of Rule 44(B) 4(a,b &d)
4. Maximum amount Rs. 10,000/-
5. Application to be filed to the Chairman, Bar Council of India, New Delhi through Chairman, Bar Council of Kerala or Member, Bar Council of India from the State.
(1) These Rules shall be known as the scheme for financial assistance to the State Bar Councils under Rule 44-B of the Bar Council of India Rules.
(2) The scheme shall came into force immediately.
(3) These schemes shall be applicable to only such State Bar Councils which have remitted the sum in accordance with the Rule 41(2) of the Bar Council of India
(4) That on receiving information from the Chairman of the State Bar Council or Member, Bar Council of India from that State, the Chairman, Bar Council of India on being satisfied by such reports may immediately sanction a reasonable amount not exceeding Rs.10000/- in an individual case and Rs.25,000/- in case of some calamity involving more than one advocate and shall report to the Advocates Welfare Committee of the Bar Council of India. The financial assistance to the State Bar Councils will be available in any of the following cases:
(a) The Advocate or Advocates have suffered seriously on account of some natural calamity or
(b) The Advocate or advocates have died an unnatural death, due to an accident or natural calamity or any other cause of like nature, or
(c) The advocate or Advocates have suffered or is suffering from such serious disease or illness which is likely to cause death if no proper treatment is given and the advocate requires financial assistance without which he would not be able to get proper treatment and has no personal assets except a residential house to meet such expenditure or
(d) The advocate or advocates become physically disabled or incapacitated to continue his profession on account of natural calamity or accident or any other cause of like nature
(5) That the amount sanctioned under rule 4 shall be placed at the disposal of the advocates welfare committee of the Bar Council of India for the State and the said state Committee shall maintain separate account and send the same to the Bar Council of India within three months from the date of the receipt thereof.
(6) That the Advocates Welfare Committee of the Bar Council of India on receiving such applications duly recommended by the State Bar Councils, may sanction a sum provided in the different schemes prepared by the Bar Council of India.
KYC guidelines
User registration guidelines for Public user
User registration guidelines for bar association user
An authorised bar association user representing any of the bar associations registered with BCK may register yourself to easily access and avail bar association services.
If you wish to register a new bar association with BCK, please contact the BCK office directly.