Restrictions on other employment!

Part VI Chapter II Sec. 7, Bar council of India Rules

Section Vll- Restriction on other Employments

1. Section 47. An advocate shall not personally engage in any business; but he may be a sleeping partner in a firm doing business provided that in the opinion of the appropriate State Bar Council, the nature of the business is not inconsistent with the dignity of the profession.
Section 48. An Advocate may be Director or Chairman of the Board of Directors of a Company with or without any ordinarily sitting fee, provided none of his duties are of an executive character. An advocate shall not be a Managing Director or a Secretary of any Company.
2. An advocate shall not be a full-time salaried employee of any person, government, firm, corporation or concern, so long as he continues to practice, and shall, on taking up any such employment, intimate the fact to the Bar Council on whose roll his name appears and shall thereupon cease to practice as an advocate so long as he continues in such employment.
Nothing in this rule shall apply to a Law Officer of the Central Government of a State or any Public Corporation or body constituted by State who is entitled to be enrolled under the rules of his State Bar Council made under Section 28(2) (d) read with Section 24 (1) (e) of the Act despite his being a full time salaried employee.

Law Officer for the purpose of these Rules means a person who is designated by the terms of his appointment, and who, by the said terms, is required to act and/or plead in Courts on behalf of his employer.

3 An Advocate who has inherited, or succeeded by survivor ship to a family business may continue it, but may not personally participate in the management thereof. He may continue to hold a share with others in any business which has descended to him by survivorship of inheritance or by will, provided he does not personally participate in the management thereof.

4 An Advocate may review parliamentary Bills for a remuneration, edit legal text books at a salary, do press vetting for newspapers, coach pupils for legal examination, set and examine question papers; and subject to the rules against advertising and full-time employment, engage in broadcasting, journalism, lecturing and teaching subjects both legal and non-legal.

5. Nothing in these rules shall prevent an advocate from accepting after obtaining the consent of the State Bar Council, part-time employment provided that in the opinion of the State Bar Council, the nature of the employment does not conflict with his professional work and is not inconsistent with the dignity of the profession. This rule shall be subject to such directives if any as may be issued by the Bar Council of India from time to time.


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YouTube links for the Enrolment Function on 19th and 20th Oct, 2024.

Please click here to view the session 1: enrolment function on 19th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 2: enrolment function on 19th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 3: enrolment function on 19th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 1: enrolment function on 20th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 2: enrolment function on 20th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 3: enrolment function on 20th Oct, 2024 Please click here to view the session 4: enrolment function on 20th Oct, 2024

KYC guidelines

  1. Fill your enrolment number
  2. Enter the captcha security code
  3. Click proceed
  4. Fill the mobile number and primary email id
  5. click verify mobile
  6. An OTP will be sent to your mobile number.
  7. Enter the OTP and click verify button
  8. Fill the fields in the page – date of birth ,gender ,permanent address ,communication address, LLB registration number, LLB completion date, LLB university name, LLB college name, AIBE number , AIBE year, and practice place are mandatory.
  9. Click the submit button.
  10. A popup will be displayed showing success message –“You have successfully registered with us. Please check your mail for further instruction to access our services!”.
  11. An email confirmation is sent to your mail id
  12. click ‘activate your account’ in the mail you received.
  13. You will be directed to a page where you can set your password.
  14. After setting up your password, enter captcha and click activate account.
  15. You will be directed to a page showing success message
  16. Click login to access the advocate portal
  17. Enter your email and password and click submit
  18. You will login to advocate portal

User registration guidelines for Public user

  1. Any public user coming to access the BCK public services should register using your email id and mobile number.
  2. Fill up the details including First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, E-mail and Captcha
  3. Click Verify Mobile button
  4. OTP will be sent to the provided mobile number
  5. Enter the OTP and click Create Account
  6. An E-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  7. Access the email and click Activate Account
  8. Set password for your account and note it down to make sure you will not miss it
  9. Account activated e-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  10. Click Login to portal from the mail

User registration guidelines for bar association user

An authorised bar association user representing any of the bar associations registered with BCK may register yourself to easily access and avail bar association services.

If you wish to register a new bar association with BCK, please contact the BCK office directly.

  1. Any bar association user coming to access the BCK services should register using your email id and mobile number.
  2. Fill up the details including First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, E-mail and Captcha
  3. Click Verify Mobile button
  4. OTP will be sent to the mobile number provided
  5. Enter the OTP and click Create Account
  6. An E-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  7. Access the email and click Activate Account
  8. Set password for your account and note it down to make sure you will not miss it
  9. Account activated e-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  10. Click Login to portal from the mail