Bar Council of Kerala

Transfer Of Advocates

Transfer of advocates to other states

  1. Applicant shall apply for No Objection Certificate and copy of the State Roll from the State Bar Council where he has enrolled.
  2. After obtaining the above said No Objection Certificate and copy of the State Roll, applicant shall file an application before the Bar Council of India in Form C (under Section 18 of the Advocates Act) along with the D.D. for Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) drawn in favour of ‘Bar Council of India’ payable at New Delhi.
  3. The Bar Council of India will obtain No Objection Certificate from the concerned State Bar Council to which he intended to transfer his name.
  4. After obtaining an N.O.C. from the said State Bar Council, the B.C.I will call for his original Enrolment application from where he enrolled.
  5. After receiving the enrolment papers from the concerned State Bar Council, the B. C.I. will take a decision in its meeting and the decision will be intimated to the applicant.


Advocates Act
Sec. 18 of the Advocates Act: Transfer of name from one State roll to another: –
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Section 17, any person whose name is entered as an advocate on the roll of any State Bar Council may make an application in the prescribed form to the Bar Council of India for the transfer of his name from the roll of that State Bar Council to the roll of any other State Bar Council and, on receipt of any such application the Bar Council of India shall direct that the name of such person shall, without the payment of any fee, be removed from the roll of the first mentioned: State Bar Council and entered in the roll of the other State Bar Council and the ate Bar Councils concerned shall comply with such direction:
(Provided that where any such application for transfer is made by a person against whom any disciplinary proceeding is pending or where for any other reason it appears to the Bar Council of India that the application for transfer has not been made bona fide, and that the transfer should not be made, the Bar Council of India may, after giving the person making the application an opportunity of making a representation in this behalf, reject the application)
(2) For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that where on an application made by an advocate under sub-section (1), his name is transferred from the roll of one State Bar Council to that of another, he shall retain the same seniority in the latter roll to which he was entitled in the former roll.

Bar Council of India Rules, 1975 Part VI Chapter III:
Conditions for Right to Practice
(Rules under Section 49(1)(ah) of the Advocates Act

1.Every Advocate shall be under an obligation to see that his name appears on the roll of the State Council within whose jurisdiction he ordinarily practices.
Provided that if an advocate does not apply for transfer of his name to the roll of the State Bar Council within whose jurisdiction he is ordinarily practicing within six months of the start of such practice, it shall be deemed that he is guilty of professional misconduct within the meaning of Sec. 35 of the Advocates Act.
R. 49. General Power of the Bar Council of India to make rules(1) The Bar Council of India may make rules for discharging its functions under this Act, and, in particular, such rules may prescribe.
S. 49(1)(ah) of the Advocates Act: The conditions subject to which an advocate shall have the right to practice and the circumstances under which a person shall be deemed to practice as an advocate in a court.


Rules regarding conditions of practice of Advocates framed by the High Court of Kerala
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 34(1) of the Advocate’s Act, 1961 (Central Ac 25/61) the High Court of Kerala hereby makes the following rules laying down the conditions subject to which an Advocate shall be permitted to practice in the High Court and the courts subordinate thereto.
Rule 3: An advocate who is not on the roll of advocates of the Bar Council of the State in which the Court is situate, shall not act in such Court, unless he files an appointment along with an advocate who is on the roll of such State Bar Council and who is ordinarily practicing in such Court.

Section 45 of Advocates Act
Penalty for persons illegally practicing in courts and before other authorities.
45. Penalty for persons illegally practicing in courts and before other authorities.-Any person who practices in any court or before any authority or person, in or before whom he is not entitled to practice under the provisions of this Act, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months.

Transfer fee   – Incoming

Rs. 15000/-

                       – Outgoing

Rs. 10000/-

KYC guidelines

  1. Fill your enrolment number
  2. Enter the captcha security code
  3. Click proceed
  4. Fill the mobile number and primary email id
  5. click verify mobile
  6. An OTP will be sent to your mobile number.
  7. Enter the OTP and click verify button
  8. Fill the fields in the page – date of birth ,gender ,permanent address ,communication address, LLB registration number, LLB completion date, LLB university name, LLB college name, AIBE number , AIBE year, and practice place are mandatory.
  9. Click the submit button.
  10. A popup will be displayed showing success message –“You have successfully registered with us. Please check your mail for further instruction to access our services!”.
  11. An email confirmation is sent to your mail id
  12. click ‘activate your account’ in the mail you received.
  13. You will be directed to a page where you can set your password.
  14. After setting up your password, enter captcha and click activate account.
  15. You will be directed to a page showing success message
  16. Click login to access the advocate portal
  17. Enter your email and password and click submit
  18. You will login to advocate portal

User registration guidelines for Public user

  1. Any public user coming to access the BCK public services should register using your email id and mobile number.
  2. Fill up the details including First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, E-mail and Captcha
  3. Click Verify Mobile button
  4. OTP will be sent to the provided mobile number
  5. Enter the OTP and click Create Account
  6. An E-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  7. Access the email and click Activate Account
  8. Set password for your account and note it down to make sure you will not miss it
  9. Account activated e-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  10. Click Login to portal from the mail

User registration guidelines for bar association user

An authorised bar association user representing any of the bar associations registered with BCK may register yourself to easily access and avail bar association services.

If you wish to register a new bar association with BCK, please contact the BCK office directly.

  1. Any bar association user coming to access the BCK services should register using your email id and mobile number.
  2. Fill up the details including First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, E-mail and Captcha
  3. Click Verify Mobile button
  4. OTP will be sent to the mobile number provided
  5. Enter the OTP and click Create Account
  6. An E-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  7. Access the email and click Activate Account
  8. Set password for your account and note it down to make sure you will not miss it
  9. Account activated e-mail will be sent to the e-mail id provided
  10. Click Login to portal from the mail